Need a referee? Would you like to be a referee?

At Twickenham we are actively working on building our referee team so that all our matches from U12 upwards can be refereed by suitably qualified and experienced referees. This season our objective is more ref-rotation – getting refs to move outside their age group and cover some some different teams.

Need a Ref?  New for 2010/2001 – email our Referees – if you need a referee for an upcoming game then you can email and your email will automatically be forward to all the club referees.

Would you like to become a referee Every age group needs a qualified ref or two, and it beats standin on the touchlines. If you are interested please let me know. The club will normally be happy to sponsor you on one of the RFU’s training courses for referees

New Midi/Mini Referee Qualification this is a new course desgned specifically for those wanting to referee from U7 to U12 – contact me for details.  Referees for U13 and upwards should be doing the ELRA course.

Steve Axbey
Club Referee Coordinator

Useful Links

– List of Twickenham RFC Referees
– Herts & Middx League Rules
– London Society
– Referee Forum
– RFU Resources for Refs

Laws and Law Variations
– Laws of Rugby
– U19 Variations (U13-U19)
– Midi Rugby (U11 & U12)
– Mini Rugby (U9 & U10)
– Mini-Tag Rugby (U7 & U8)

– NEW! Latest Laws/Interpretations
– 2010/11 IRB Directives
– Paddy O’Brien’s Notes on 2010 Directives